Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Hood River and the Hatfield trail

Brad outside the Mosier tunnel

Hood River is quite the happening town, and busier than when we were here about 15 years ago! Today we rode our bikes 10 miles on the Hatfield trail; it was part of the original Columbia River highway, built between 1913 and 1922. Of course it was built for Model T's, so a narrow road for cars, but now a nice 20 foot wide path for walkers, runners, skaters and cyclists. When they built the new highway they closed the road and filled the two tunnels with rock; then in the '90's the tunnels were cleared, stabilized inside, and the road was repaved.  From what we could see, it's a very popular trail! And we were thankful that it's mainly in the shade, as it's in the 90's this week here (32-34 C.).

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