Friday, 13 September 2013

Driving down island

We left the hot 30 degree heat wave in the Cumberland Courtenay Comox area and drove down island to the cooler south end of Vancouver Island. On the way we stopped in Duncan to see an Art Quilt show, as we'd met one of the artists on Cortes Island, and wanted to see her quilt. Each quilt had to be 12" by 12" and there was an amazing variety of colours, styles, and techniques.

Then we drove the Malahat highway on our way to our chosen park, missed the turnoff as the signage wasn't great, had to turn around, and then was in the Friday afternoon rush hour traffic leaving Victoria! Luckily we didn't have far to go, and made it to Goldstream Provincial Park; we've never been there before. We didn't have a reservation, wondered if we'd ever find a spot to pitch our tent, when a fellow pulled out, and we were able to claim the site. With towering old growth forest all around it's quite dark, and when we leave it's always a surprise to see how bright it is out, after being in the heavily forested campground.

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