Wednesday 20 February 2008

Getting the tourist dollar, Part Two

We'd heard that every Weds at a beachfront hotel, there is the "world famous" Chicken Drop, where there's a board with 50 numbered squares, - you buy a ticket for a square, and hope the chicken drops (poops) on "your" square - it's a dollar a ticket and winner takes all.
We lined up in the bar to buy tickets, and must have stood in line for at least half an hour, enough time for them to sell lots of beer. The first time the chicken was put in (there's a net around the board) - it didn't move, and so the winner was a guy from Idaho with the middle number. G describes the second one:
"The announcer said she usually lets people who have a special occasion put the chicken in the drop, - this guy (slightly drunk Aussie) yelled that it was his 21st birthday. When she asked him to do the tradition of spinning the chicken around 3 times, he started to do so quite vigorously until there were cries of protest from the crowd, scared the chicken was going to be hurt. It was pretty funny though."
That time the chicken walked around more, but despite having 4 numbers, we didn't win the $50.00.
Watched the eclipse of the moon from the beach.

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