Riding centre description: "Spectacular scenery unfolds all around you as you ride through the Glen of Imaal (the seat of power of Leinster Kings during the Iron Age - 500BC - 700 AD) Here you will be taken through small farms and open moors, crossing the River Slaney and on to Spinnans Hill where you will be able to see Brusselstown Ring - an Iron Age hill fort. This area is steeped in history, and one of the many examples that your experienced guides will share with you is that of Kilranelagh Cemetery known as the Gates of Heaven.“
We saw deer in the sheep-field as we made our way up a mountain. Took photos from the top, as the view was spectacular. We did a lot of cantering and galloping today, a bit of jumping, and crossed a river - the water was about 4 feet deep.
Tanya was kept busy opening and closing gates and her small purebred Icelandic horse Blacker would often trot away and she'd have to chase him. He's named that as his brother Aero is a dark brown colour, but he's blacker!
We've seen SO many sheep; they're raised for the meat as the wool isn't worth much; we saw one that had one side of his face white and the other black. Rode through a little village and found Anthony; didn't unsaddle the horses since we were so wet (raining again) and wanted to get on our way quickly - he had lunch ready in the lorry - lunch in the horsebox! He had the little table and campstools set up in there, and the usual sandwiches, hot tea and chocolate bars! Yeah! In the afternoon it stopped raining and we rode through some farms, at one point herding some cattle ahead of us. The sun came out and we had a great ride down more lanes, with honeysuckle and fuchia hedges.
Met Anthony and loaded the horses in the lorry; Terry drove us 45 minutes over mountains to the Glenmalure lodge; the horses stay in the field across the road overnight.
Photo: CC by Florian