Saturday 15 September 2012

Riding and the Old St. Francis School

Brad went on a single track guided mountain bike ride near Tumalo Falls west of Bend; this is someone's video from his helmet cam - it gives you an idea of the trail. Brad says "it was so much fun! It was exhilarating!"
While he was cycling, I went to Flyspur Ranch and rode Cody, a Paint; we went on trails through the pine forest, crossed a fairly deep river, and saw two Great Horned owls.

Later we went for dinner at the Old St. Francis School, a restored 1936 Catholic school. They were celebrating Half Way to St. Patrick's Day, with Irish music (strolling fiddle players), and lamb stew.
There's so much history in the school and parish building that there's a four page walking tour handout at the entrance. There's a hotel section (stay in a classroom!), a movie theatre, a pub, restaurant and more!

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