Tuesday 14 April 2015

Sydney Australia

Due to headwinds, our plane was 45 minutes late, so our already long 15 1/2 hour flight was actually more than 16 hours. Graeme was waiting and it was so great to see him for the first time since he left on June 30th!
Though it's Autumn here now, it's warm and sunny, and we enjoyed walking through MacKey Park beside Cooks River.  Unfamiliar birdsong, hibiscus and Bird of Paradise flowers confirmed that we weren't in BC anymore.
An Ibis beside the river

School kids are on a break at the moment so we saw quite a few on scooters and bikes on the path.  We had to remember to stay to the left, not the right as we would at home.
A happy looking Cockatoo

The next sight was an unusual tree full of Lorikeets eating red berries - we'll have to see if we can find out the name of the tree.

One of many colourful Lorikeets in the tree
Then it was time to take the train to downtown Sydney, or as they say here, to the CBD, or Central Business District, and find our apartment.

Brad and Graeme in front of the heritage apartment building

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The birds are so colourful! Good pics Margaret.