Tuesday 10 November 2009

Dia de la Tradicion en Salta

We were in a side-street looking for a particular restaurant for dinner, when two gauchos dressed in finery rode down a one way cross-street. We quickly walked after them, and when they stopped to check their cellphones, we asked where they were headed. This is how we found out about the Tradition Day happenings at the Plaza 9 de Julio, the main square.
The road on one side of the square had been blocked to traffic, and about 15 gauchos with their horses, and one mule, were there to be admired. A band played, and women, men and children in traditional dress milled about.
After the gauchos left, horses prancing, there was music and folklorico, or traditional dancing. There were various dances, some with scarves, and all ages participated. The men and boys wore hats, scarves, shirts and/or jackets, often a blanket folded over one shoulder, bombachas (baggy pants), wide belts, and boots. They really liked to stomp those boots on the cobblestones. The women and girls had colourful dresses with full skirts. They were enjoying themselves and it was fun to watch.
Photo of Iglesia San Francisco in Salta by juan_m (Flickr Creative Commons)