Friday 13 November 2009

Tilcara to Salinas Grandes and back

We set out in our little VW headed west on a day trip, and were soon climbing into the mountains on seemingly endless switchbacks. At the summit, which was over 4000 meters above sea level, we stopped to take pictures of the signs, the road we´d just been on, and the tiny wizened woman chewing coca leaves and carving pictures onto rocks (and selling them). Where she had come from was a mystery, as we seemed to be far from an dwellings.
The road went down and then back up, but finally we were on the puna, or plateau, and could see the Andes in the distance, and the Salinas Grandes, or salt flats, which was our destination. Before we got there though, we had to stop to take photos of the vicuñas, the wild cousins of the llamas. Out on the salt flats (the road goes right across) we pulled over at the salt building - it´s made out of salt blocks. They actually mine the salt, put it in bags and truck it away to be sold. It was really hot as we walked out on the crinkled cracked flats, and blindingly bright, even with our hats and sunglasses on.
The ride back was faster, as it was mainly downhill; it was a good two lane highway, but we had to share it with slow heavy freight trucks on their way to or coming back from Chile.
Tonight we´re exploring Tilcara, and staying at a Posada up on the hill above town, with a view of the valley and colourful hills.
Photo by juan_m (Flickr Creative Commons)