Saturday 14 September 2019

Train to Venice

Today is a travel day, so we leave Riccione, and the comforts of Hotel Dory with all meals provided, go an hour and a half to Bologna, change trains, and head north to Venice.

Here are a few more photos from our week at the bike hotel:

The road bike Brad used
White grapes on the vine
At the farm on Monday, the owner showed us the hut where the balsamic vinegar ages in barrels.  They use these white grapes - it takes about three days to boil up all the grapes, then they go into barrels - every year they're moved to a barrel made of a different wood.  He let us each taste a few drops of 26 year old Balsamic vinegar, which was sweet!  It's used on strawberries, cheese, fish and meat - never on bread or salad - it's too good for that!

The Roman arch and gate into the city of Rimini; the road from Rome leads right here and through the town

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