Tuesday 1 October 2019

Munich in the sunshine

We arrived in Munich at about noon, and after checking into our airport hotel, we went back to the airport on the shuttle, and took the S-bahn (rapid transit) downtown.  We had told the ticket person we wanted to go to Oktoberfest, were told the stop to get off, - he had told us "then just follow the crowds."  There were crowds all right!  Unbelievable masses of people.  We quickly realized it wasn't where we wanted to be after asking "where's the glockenspiel" - a very long walk away...

So back we went, going against the waves of people this time, got back on the train, and got off at Marienplatz, and YES - this was the square we both remembered from our youth.  A medieval square with beautiful old buildings.

Our first sighting of what's called the New Town Hall
With all the flowers, and in the sun, it was just a beautiful Gothic marvel
We weren't there at the right time of day to hear the Glockenspiel chime and see the figures move, but admired them still
You can read more about this building on the City of Munich website.

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